
Career Paths for Psychologists in 2023


As of 2023, various careers can be followed as a psychologist, the most popular being clinical psychology. The number of psychologist jobs is expected to grow by 18% from 2020 to 2023. Most of the growth is anticipated to be fueled by the increase in demand for psychotherapists and clinical psychologists.

Are you looking for a career path that will help you earn a good living? Maybe one that will also allow you to travel the world while making a difference in people’s lives? Or perhaps a career path that offers flexibility and freedom? In any case, there are plenty of job opportunities available for psychologists.

Psychology is a fascinating and growing field, with plenty of career options for those interested.

Psychology is a broad field that has become increasingly focused on studying human behavior. Psychology encompasses mental health, developmental, cognitive, and social psychology.

The field of psychology is expanding as people seek more and better ways to understand themselves and their place in the world. More colleges and universities offer psychology courses to meet the growing psychologist demand. Additionally, as demand increases, employers are recruiting psychologists in growing numbers. In fact, by 2023, the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 16% increase in employment opportunities for psychologists, which is expected to continue into 2033.

Career Paths for Psychologists in 2023 1


Become a psychologist

Psychology is a fascinating and growing field, with plenty of job opportunities for those interested.

For starters, psychology is a great career for someone who enjoys research and helping others. If you’re passionate about helping people, then psychology is for you.

Psychologists help people understand themselves and how they behave mentally and emotionally. They also provide insight into how the mind works and why people do what they do.

Psychologists are often called upon to help children with developmental issues, people with mental illness, and victims of violence and abuse.

Hospitals, schools, businesses, and law enforcement agencies usually employ psychologists.

Psychologist career paths

The main areas in which psychology can be applied include mental health and mental disorders, learning and education, relationships, and aging.

Some psychologists specialize in specific areas, such as cognitive neuroscience, developmental psychology, or forensic psychology.

Many psychologists work with clients and others in healthcare settings such as hospitals, schools, and hospitals. They help patients and their families cope with emotional trauma, physical pain, anxiety, depression, addiction, and other conditions.

They may work with children, adults, and adolescents.

Psychologists also work in insurance companies, businesses, and law enforcement.

They help businesses and organizations identify issues with their employees, employees with their coworkers, or both.

They are often hired to test products and services, evaluate treatments’ effectiveness, and understand human behavior.

Psychology is a relatively new field, but it is expected to continue growing. It will likely be one of the fastest-growing professions in the coming years.

Psychology graduate school

If you’ve ever thought about going into psychology, now is the time to move.

The job market in this field is tight and growing. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), employment for clinical psychologists is projected to grow by 20 percent over the next decade. And in an age where technology is constantly changing our lives, the skills psychologists develop will become increasingly important as they help people adapt. While some psychologists focus on diagnosing mental health disorders, others specialize in helping children and families adjust to life after a traumatic event.

You’ll find various career opportunities in psychology, from clinical work to research. If you’re a budding researcher, you could even start a lab at a university and conduct your studies.

You’ll also have many choices if you want to practice in a hospital or mental health facility. And if you want to go into education, you can teach in primary and secondary schools.

Psychology Career Paths by Degree

Psychology is a fascinating and growing field, with plenty of career options for those interested.

The largest number of jobs in the United States are currently available for Master’s degree holders.

The next largest number of jobs are available for Doctoral candidates. The next largest number of jobs are available for Bachelor’s degrees.

The majority of psychology careers involve researching the brain and behavior.

While many consider being a psychologist a great option, many people have little idea what the career entails.

A bachelor’s degree in psychology can lead to several career paths, from working in research labs to running clinical treatment programs.

Frequently asked questions about Psychologists. 

Q: What is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist?

A: Psychologists are usually trained in psychology and study the mind and behavior, whereas psychiatrists are generally trained in medicine and study the brain.

Q: How does a psychologist help?

A: A psychologist can help with certain problems like anxiety or depression, but generally, they do not make decisions for people.

Q: Can you be happy without a job?

A: Sure, but you will be unhappy without doing something with your life.

Q: What’s the best way to get out of depression?

A: You can’t just get out of it on your own. You have to talk to someone about it.

Q: If you’re depressed, what should you do?

A: The best thing you can do is talk to someone and get help.

Top Myths about Psychologists 

  1. All psychotherapists are psychologists.
  2. Psychologists do not work with children.
  3. Psychologists do not work with families.
  4. Psychologists are not medical professionals.


Unlike many other professionals, psychologists rarely require a college degree. Instead, most psychologists are self-taught.

The field is very competitive, especially for those looking to be part of a healthcare team. Many psychologists work in hospitals, nursing homes, and schools.

In addition to working with patients, psychologists also work with children and adolescents—some work with the mentally ill and others with drug addicts.

If you decide to become a psychologist, it’s important to understand what you’re getting yourself into.

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