
The Top Mental Health Non-Profits in America


The Top Mental Health Nonprofits of America (MHAA) is the largest national nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by mental illness and suicide prevention. The MHAA has worked to improve mental health care and access to treatment for nearly 100 years.

The mental health nonprofit sector is diverse and vast. These mental health nonprofits are doing some great work in their communities. Here are the top mental health nonprofits in America.

Every year, mental health nonprofits raise millions to help people struggling with mental health issues. These nonprofits are some of the most effective charities in America.

Countless nonprofit organizations exist to serve people who are struggling with mental health issues. In this post, we’ll explore the top 10 nonprofit organizations that are leading the charge when it comes to mental health.

The mental health crisis in America is getting worse by the day. More than 50 million people are suffering from some form of mental illness.

That’s why many nonprofit organizations have decided to take a stand against this epidemic. They’re working hard to support those who need it the most.

And while you may not think much of a nonprofit when you hear its name, it’s America’s top mental health nonprofit!

So, what are they doing differently to help others? Let’s dive into the top mental health nonprofits in America.

The Top Mental Health Non-Profits in America 1


What is mental health?

We’re amidst a mental health crisis, and the organizations addressing this crisis face huge challenges. It’s time for nonprofits to step up and make their voices heard on the issue.

The mental health nonprofit sector is growing at a fast pace. From providing education on mental health issues to advocating for mental health research, these organizations are committed to making a positive difference in the lives of people with mental illness.

Many valuable resources are available online for mental health professionals, advocates, researchers, and the general public.

The list of top mental health nonprofits includes information about their mission, financial status, and impact.

For people who care about mental health, many amazing organizations and causes are working hard to help others overcome depression and anxiety.

For those who love learning about mental health, many awesome nonprofits are fighting to improve the mental health of millions of people. Many of them work to raise funds for their work.

But not all organizations have enough funding to keep going, and it’s important to know which ones do. That’s why this list has been compiled.

So here is a comprehensive list of the top mental health nonprofits in the U.S., including their mission statement, the amount of funding they receive each year, and more.

A list of organizations 

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is leading the way in suicide prevention, and we’re proud to be working with them as a partner, providing the national education and training needed to create a culture of suicide prevention within our communities. The organization has helped transform attitudes about suicide and suicide prevention by raising awareness, mobilizing the public, and engaging leaders and

Mental health is a huge problem in America and for a good reason. It has been proven repeatedly that mental health issues negatively impact people’s lives.

If you’re looking for a job in the mental health field, it’s a great place to start. A wide variety of nonprofit organizations have the same goal as you: to improve mental health care.

One of the best places to start your search is with the following list of the top mental health nonprofits in the United States.

There are so many ways you can make a difference in the lives of others through mental health care. Whether you prefer to work for an established organization or start your own, there are opportunities.

Mental Health

Mental health advocacy

In 2018, we identified the top mental health nonprofits in America. We looked at a wide range of metrics to determine where to place each organization on our list, including their impact on mental health, how they work to improve things for those struggling with mental illness, and their overall approach to helping people in need.

Mental health nonprofits in America have a long history of fighting stigma, raising awareness, and supporting those with mental illness.

They often offer free services and charge a fee when they can. Most are based in the United States, though some are international.

There are many different types of mental health nonprofits, each with challenges. Here’s a list of the ones that I feel are the most important to know about:

1. National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

2. American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)

3. American Association of Suicidology (AAS)

4. National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA)

5. American Psychiatric Association (APA)

6. National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI)

7. Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)

8. Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)

9. Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA)

10. Anxiety and Depression Association of America (A.D.

It’s no secret that the mental health care system needs an overhaul. We spend so much on physical healthcare but have yet to treat people with mental health disorders very well.

We often stigmatize these conditions and make them taboo subjects. This results in more than 26 million adults in the U.S. suffering from mental health disorders.

As a result, more than 50% of those with mental illness go without treatment, and more than 90% live in poverty.

To help bring attention to this issue, I’ve compiled a list of the top ten mental health nonprofits.

These organizations were chosen based on the number of people they serve, their impact, and the quality of care they offer.

Without further ado, here’s a breakdown of each nonprofit.

Promote mental health

According to the latest Global Burden of Disease Study, the World Health Organization has ranked the U.S. No. 15 for mental health services. In the study by researchers at the University of Washington, U.S. adults have a life expectancy at birth of 80.9 years and a disability-adjusted life expectancy of 78.5.

I became involved when I saw friends and close family members struggling with depression and anxiety. I started volunteering for a nonprofit helping over 70 students in one of the most depressed cities in the United States.

My favorite part of being a part of this organization is being able to help others who are going through what I have gone through. I have never had someone say they were sorry for what they did to me and didn’t want to hurt me as they did before. They have come out of their shell and helped me get through things I was afraid to tell anyone else about.

There are so many misconceptions about mental health. A lot of people think you need to get professional help to get better. The stigma around mental health is very strong. It’s not always easy to talk about what’s happening with us.

That mental health professionals can fix people. It’s not like that. You can be a doctor or a nurse and treat people, but it’s different when dealing with something you’ve never experienced.

You get to help people, especially when they’re most vulnerable. You can’t imagine how powerful it is to know you can help someone going through something difficult.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What is the mission of the Top Mental Health Nonprofit?

A: Our mission is to create an atmosphere where people feel safe to share their stories and live their lives with dignity and respect.

Q: How did you come up with this idea?

A: This started as a photography project, but it was evident that we needed to go beyond just showcasing the people we were photographing and wanted to highlight the organizations that are making a difference in the community. We wanted to create a platform where people could share their stories and feel more confident discussing mental health issues.

Q: Who are some of the leaders/organizations you have featured?

A: One of the leaders featured in the New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene. Mental health issues are prevalent in our country and are an important part of society that we must all take seriously.

Q: Which mental health nonprofit do you volunteer with or support?

A: I volunteer with RAINN, an anti-stalking organization that helps victims of stalking and other violent crimes.

Q: Why did you choose to work with them?

A: I chose RAINN because it’s close to me. Stalking has been something that has affected my life. I am very thankful to be able to help others who are victims of violence.

Q: What is it like volunteering with them?

A: My experiences with RAINN have taught me to be strong and not let these things affect my life.

Q: What advice would you give others who want to volunteer?

A: Volunteer for organizations that you believe in and make a difference in the lives of others.

Myths About Mental Health

1. The nonprofit sector doesn’t do anything for mental health.

2. Mental illness is a “choice”.

3. Depression is a normal part of life.

4. Mental illness is a medical condition.


This was a fun research topic, and I can’t wait to share my findings with you. Many different types of nonprofits work to improve their communities’ mental health. These include schools, colleges, universities, government agencies, churches, and organizations.

I hope you enjoy this article as much as I wanted to research it.

The mental health sector is a big one. It has a massive amount of nonprofits to choose from. So what makes one of them the top mental health nonprofit?

As we’ve seen, it’s a pretty wide industry. So, it’s hard to say one is more effective than the other. But I’m going to go ahead and give my opinion.

Aly Jones
Twitter evangelist. Web fanatic. Lifelong travel nerd. Passionate zombie scholar. Extreme coffee fan. Amateur entrepreneur. Avid beer lover. Had moderate success lecturing about wieners in the UK. Won several awards for short selling clip-on ties in Hanford, CA. Uniquely-equipped for creating marketing channels for cod in Bethesda, MD. Spent a weekend buying and selling Easter candy in Phoenix, AZ. Was quite successful at analyzing tar in the government sector. Have a strong interest in getting to know barbie dolls for fun and profit.