
A new reality for beauty standards: How selfies and filters affect body image


With the spread of image-enhancing technology via packages like Snapchat and Facetune, the bodily perfection level formerly seen only in celeb or beauty magazines is now all over social media. As those pics become the norm, human beings’ perceptions of splendor international are changing, which could take a toll on someone’s vanity and trigger frame dysmorphic sickness (BDD), argue researchers.


With the unfolding of image-editing technology through packages like Snapchat and Facetune, the level of bodily “perfection” formerly seen best in celebrity or beauty magazines is now throughout social media. As those pics become the norm, human beings’ perceptions of beauty global are converting, which could take a toll on a person’s vanity and may trigger frame dysmorphic ailment, argue Boston Medical Center (BMC) researchers in a JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery Viewpoint.

Body dysmorphic disease (BDD) is an excessive preoccupation with a perceived flaw in look, often characterized by how humans go to excellent — and, in some instances, unhealthy — lengths to cover their imperfections. This can consist of accomplishing repetitive behaviors like skin selection and traveling to dermatologists or plastic surgeons hoping to change their appearance. The disease impacts around 2 percent of the population and is classified on the obsessive-compulsive spectrum.

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The standpoint authors reference to research that shows teen girls who manipulated their pix had been extra concerned with their body appearance. People with dysmorphic frame pictures search for social media as a validation method. Additional research has proven fifty-five percent of plastic surgeons file seeing sufferers who need to enhance their appearance in selfies.

“A new phenomenon known as ‘Snapchat dysmorphia’ has popped up,” stated Neelam Vashi, MD, director of the Ethnic Skin Center at BMC and Boston University School of Medicine, “in which patients are looking for a surgical procedure to assist them to appear to be the filtered versions of themselves.”

According to the authors, surgical treatment isn’t always the nice route of motion in those cases because it will not improve and might worsen underlying BDD. They advise psychological interventions, including cognitive-behavioral remedies and management of the disorder in an empathetic and non-judgmental way.

“Filtered selfies could make human beings lose contact with truth, developing the expectation that we are supposed to appear perfectly primped all the time,” said Vashi. “This may be especially dangerous for teens and those with BDD, and providers must understand the consequences of social media on frame picture to higher treat and recommend our sufferers.”

Story Source:

Materials are provided through Boston Medical Center. Note: Content may be edited for style and duration.

Journal Reference:

Sushruta Rajanala, Mayra B. C. Maymone, Neelam A. Vashi. Selfies—Living in the Era of Filtered Photographs. JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery, 2018; DOI: 10.1001/jamafacial.2018.0486

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Boston Medical Center. “A new truth for beauty requirements: How selfies and filters affect frame photograph.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily,

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