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Save You and Your Loved Ones From Bus Accidents


According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 38,300 people died in car accidents involving buses between 2005 and 2007. While recent years have seen bus accident deaths fall below 38,000, these two to three thousand people needlessly lose their lives yearly. This is why the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has pledged to reduce this number. The U.S. Department of Transportation is also working on a program to increase highway and road safety, including the goal of zero traffic deaths by the year 2030.

Bus Accidents

While these numbers are important when examining how many people died in bus accidents in 2016, they do not paint the entire picture. The sad part is that the number one cause of bus accidents — speeding buses — could be prevented by simply following the law. Learn more at.

Bus accidents happen

Millions of people live their daily lives without considering that any given day could be their last. For example, a car crash might cause them to suddenly lose their life or become severely injured for the rest of their days. Avoiding unforeseen accidents can be hard if you are not always looking over your shoulder. Fortunately, technology has solved this problem!

The sad truth about bus accidents

People die in bus accidents every day because the driver’s view is blocked. The number of individuals hurt and injured yearly by large commercial vehicles can be eliminated by simply allowing passenger vehicles to access critical information. Critical information such as how many times that driver ran a red light or failed to stop at a stop sign before they reached your family. Before getting into your car, share with friends how to save yourself and others by learning three simple steps today!

Things You Should Keep In Your Mind:

  • What are the most common causes of bus accidents?
  • What is the number one cause of bus accidents?
  • How many people died in bus accidents in 2016?
  • What is the average cost of a bus accident per year?
  • What are some injuries that are seen in bus accidents?
  • What are some causes of bus accidents?
  • Why are buses so dangerous?

What to do if you’re in a bus accident

After the tragic bus accident that killed almost two dozen people, it was reported that 36 out of 53 passengers were not wearing their seat belts. If you are riding a school bus to get somewhere, here are a few things you can do to stay safe in an accident. First, don’t hang out the windows. Second, please wear your seat belt and encourage others to do so. There is plenty of space on a school bus to allow everyone to buckle up. If you are a parent or guardian of a student who rides a school bus, ensure they understand that they should never stand in the door while the bus moves. This is very dangerous and could lead to serious injury.

Understand bus accidents

Never get on a bus unless you have extensively researched it and know what safety features are on that particular bus. You don’t want to be put into an accident, which could kill or paralyze you for life, by someone who is not the driver. If you happen to get on a bus with poor safety features and end up in an accident, make sure you call an attorney immediately. Get started learning about bus accidents so that you will never fall victim to them again.

Keep you and your loved ones safe from bus accidents.

The number of accidents on the road is increasing, meaning there are more chances to be victims of those accidents. To save yourself and your loved ones from bus accidents, ensure the car has state-of-the-art safety systems. The safety systems should include an airbag system, side airbags, a whiplash protection system, seat belt reminders, abs braking system, and track calipers.

What you need to know about Kenyan bus accidents

For example, avoid fines in Kenya. Do you know that crashes are a leading cause of death here? Did you know that the government has put out measures to ensure your safety and that of other road users, but lax enforcement is stalling them? Don’t let a friend or family member hurt themselves because the compliance level with existing laws for public transportation is poor.

Facts about bus accidents in Kenya

The number of bus accidents in Kenya is alarming. It’s not just you; many Kenyan people get involved in fatal bus accidents yearly. These bus crashes result from reckless driving, carelessness, and poor safety measures on the buses. There are ways to avoid all these calamities if you know what to do when involved in a bus accident. Facts about bus accidents in Kenya that will save your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Bus travel is often the cheapest way to get around in Kenya. However, there are many reasons why this might not be such a good idea. Due to poor road conditions, accidents involving buses and minibuses occur frequently in Kenya. The East African nation records more fatal bus accidents than any other country in the region, with statistics from 2017 indicating 706 fatalities.

Preventing bus accidents

The prospect of a bus accident can ruin a family vacation. Thankfully, you do not have to fear that your children could get hurt from a hit-and-run incident or catastrophic crash. Using electronic systems on a large van that transports groups of people and their luggage gives riders peace of mind. The parent or guardian of a child can sleep at ease knowing that their little one is traveling safely.


A bus accident has occurred in the Mwingi area, just outside of Nairobi. The authorities confirmed that at least 30 people were killed and 60 injured. Officials believe that this accident occurred due to speeding. The government has reacted by ordering investigations into the incident and offering counseling services to those who lost loved ones or were physically harmed.

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